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MVG iDEN® MSO VoIP Gateway

Our MVG is currently the only iDEN® MVG available on the market for the iDEN® MSO. Using the MVG allows MSO operators to incorporate VoIP technology into the MSO, eliminating costly PSTN lines.

The gateway runs on industries proven reliable Linux OS and can be scaled to handle thousands of calls simultaneously. The system can be configured along with the MSO to allow interconnect calling between existing PBX systems, or the gateway itself can act as a PBX server.

Being a VoIP provider we are able to offer very competitive pricing for our service as well. We have access to DID’s in virtually all calling areas of the US and most parts of Europe. Combined together with our SMS enabled DID and our SMSC users can have the ability to send SMS to any mobile provider.

Key Features:

  •  Powered by a fully redundant server
  •  Runs on Linux OS, industries most reliable operating system
  •  Conference center with virtual rooms
  •  Call recording
  •  Voicemail
  • oicemail-to-Email functionality
  • Flexible and configurable IVR
  •  Billing and consumption report
  • Channel usage reports
  • Support for time conditions
  •  Support for follow-me
  • Can receive faxes and forward to email as pdf
  • – 48 VDC (additional inverter required) or 105-250 VAC
  •  Plus many more….

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